Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again #1

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Paul E. Morph
As much as I normally enjoy Cullen Bunn's piece of work, and as much equally I commonly enjoy Deadpool-craziness, I really didn't enjoy this book.

Maybe information technology was because the only manner Deadpool could actually kill all the Marvel heroes and villains would be if all their IQs all of a sudden dropped past a hundred-odd points... and, sure enough, that's exactly how all the characters act in this book.

For Deadpool completists simply...

Every bit much equally I ordinarily enjoy Cullen Bunn's piece of work, and every bit much equally I usually enjoy Deadpool-craziness, I really didn't enjoy this book.

Mayhap it was considering the only fashion Deadpool could really kill all the Marvel heroes and villains would be if all their IQs suddenly dropped past a hundred-odd points... and, certain enough, that's exactly how all the characters act in this book.

For Deadpool completists only...

Jan 10, 2018 rated it actually liked information technology
Deadpool is brainwashed into killing off all the heroes of the Marvel universe. Very dark sense of humour within. It's interesting to see what Deadpool is thinking is happening in that messed up brain of his while he's creatively killing off the spandex crowd of the Curiosity universe. The artist does a smashing job of mixing up art styles to portray Deadpool's visions. Deadpool is brainwashed into killing off all the heroes of the Marvel universe. Very night humor inside. Information technology's interesting to see what Deadpool is thinking is happening in that messed up brain of his while he's creatively killing off the spandex oversupply of the Marvel universe. The artist does a great job of mixing up art styles to portray Deadpool's visions. ...more
Jenny Clark
Jul 12, 2018 rated it really liked it
This one was slightly amend than the concluding. You can run across Deadpool's anger, and this i feels more than in graphic symbol than the other. Deadpool is extremely loyal, so I don't see him willingly killing his friends. This is still a kinda i off, not a necessary volume to read, then unless you really like Deadpool, like to read everything Curiosity, or picked up the first 1, it may not even be on your radar. This i was slightly better than the last. You can see Deadpool's anger, and this one feels more in character than the other. Deadpool is extremely loyal, so I don't see him willingly killing his friends. This is still a kinda one off, not a necessary volume to read, and then unless you really like Deadpool, like to read everything Marvel, or picked up the first one, it may not even exist on your radar. ...more
Mar 28, 2018 rated it liked information technology
Stride bated Wolverine, there's a new mind-controlled teamkiller in town! Except this ane isn't going to grow old on a farm while the world's baddies run amok for 50 years. He'due south going to be a little quicker about getting payback.

Equally far as supervillain schemes go, brainwashing only one guy into taking out the earth'south heroes feels a petty one-half baked and kinda lazy. First off, it's already a gamble when the guy they picked has a volatile brain to begin with, what with all the regenerating tissue

Pace aside Wolverine, in that location's a new mind-controlled teamkiller in town! Except this one isn't going to grow old on a subcontract while the world's baddies run amok for fifty years. He'due south going to exist a petty quicker virtually getting payback.

Equally far as supervillain schemes go, brainwashing simply one guy into taking out the globe'due south heroes feels a little one-half broiled and kinda lazy. First off, it's already a take chances when the guy they picked has a volatile brain to brainstorm with, what with all the regenerating tissue and overall nuttiness. Then they're really just crossing their fingers that this new pawn of theirs can take down hundreds of heroes, many with with vastly superior skillsets. And to top information technology off, they don't put a fail safe in place in case their guy goes rogue? This isn't Marvel's villains at their finest.

Also, why you gotta exercise my male child M.O.D.O.1000. similar that?

This time around, Deadpool killing the Marvel Universe seems even more contrived than last fourth dimension. Instead of showcasing the states the creative ways in which Deadpool disposes of the likes of Thor and Luke Cage, many times we're just shown the encarmine backwash. Both the villains and heroes are more organized than final time and should be able to dispatch their merc problem with a picayune brainpower and a strategy that doesn't boil down to "walk up to Deadpool and announce your plans to fight." Simply since it'due south a Deadpool Kills title they all just sorta flop around aimlessly and die.

Inferior to the original, but nevertheless a fairly enjoyable bloodbath.

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. i quite enjoyed the book i quite liked that taskmaster fabricated an appearance even if he was killed off almost immediately
Carla Rodrigues
Dimitris Papastergiou
It was surprisingly an ok story with some fun moments, some yeah-seen-information technology-again on the previous mini-series moments and some corking artwork!
January 31, 2018 rated information technology really liked information technology
my thought during this entire volume was "poor deadpool"
He often seems to get the raw stop of the deal and it is funny, this one was sad.
my thought during this unabridged book was "poor deadpool"
He ofttimes seems to get the raw end of the deal and it is funny, this 1 was pitiful.
Jul 08, 2019 rated information technology liked it
half dozen.5 ok. It'south an ok deadpool comic. Entertaining. The story is ok but has some entertaining momments and mainly simply fun. Jam packed with action. 6.5 ok. It's an ok deadpool comic. Entertaining. The story is ok only has some entertaining momments and mainly just fun. Jam packed with action. ...more
Charlotte (Buried in Books)
This review has been subconscious because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Improve than the first one in terms of story.

Someone is killing heros, the bodycount is rise at an alarming charge per unit. simply who is doing it?

Deadpool - nether powerful mind control, he's been brainwashed (call up Winter Soldier) by the bad guys. Can anyone stop him - or turn his attention of the villians?

Wasn't as slap-up on the artwork on this one, but the dissimilar styles (every bit Deadpool believes he'due south going on adventures with dissimilar heros - he doesn't realise he'due south killing them), was quite a peachy idea.

Better than the first one in terms of story.

Someone is killing heros, the bodycount is rising at an alarming rate. just who is doing information technology?

Deadpool - under powerful mind control, he'due south been brainwashed (remember Winter Soldier) by the bad guys. Can anyone end him - or plow his attending of the villians?

Wasn't as slap-up on the artwork on this one, but the different styles (every bit Deadpool believes he's going on adventures with dissimilar heros - he doesn't realise he's killing them), was quite a nifty idea.

October 02, 2019 rated it liked it
Wasn't as 'fun' as the get-go. I actually finished this i feeling deplorable and sorry for Deadpool. Information technology didn't fifty-fifty have a satisfying ending, leaving the reader wondering.

I gauge it's great that the writing made me feel so much, information technology just came from such an unexpected place in such an unexpected way that I felt kind of awful for everyone involved.

I love comicbooks, I will admit to being pretty new to Deadpool books and I know things aren't always happy unicorns with him simply this was a look at the more

Wasn't as 'fun' as the offset. I actually finished this one feeling sad and sorry for Deadpool. It didn't even have a satisfying catastrophe, leaving the reader wondering.

I judge it'southward great that the writing made me feel so much, information technology just came from such an unexpected place in such an unexpected style that I felt kind of atrocious for everyone involved.

I honey comicbooks, I will admit to existence pretty new to Deadpool books and I know things aren't always happy unicorns with him but this was a wait at the more than depressing side.

Feb 04, 2018 rated it it was ok
Not the worst comic I've read but not the best one either. This is a 1-off AU where Deadpool over again kills the Marvel universe. I remember the execution of the first comic was a lot better. This ane had creative moments (view spoiler)[I liked how the art style would change while we were in Deadpool'southward head. (hide spoiler)], only in a lot of means it fell apartment.

Too it was just kind of sad?

(view spoiler)[What was going on with Wolverine though? (hide spoiler)]

Not the worst comic I've read merely not the best one either. This is a 1-off AU where Deadpool once again kills the Curiosity universe. I call back the execution of the first comic was a lot amend. This i had creative moments (view spoiler)[I liked how the art manner would alter while we were in Deadpool's head. (hide spoiler)], only in a lot of ways it fell flat.

As well it was just kind of sad?

(view spoiler)[What was going on with Wolverine though? (hide spoiler)]

Erin Cataldi
I beloved Deadpool and this collection.... was very... shit. It was shit. In club to kill off all the Curiosity characters, their IQs and powers suddenly shrink and they are no match for Deadpool... puhleaze. At least be inventive near it. I probably would have enjoyed this more had the deaths been more thought out and non so quick. I but can't purchase that they would all fall like dominoes. They didn't even testify the hulks death, just his body. Ugh. For true Deadpool fans just. I love Deadpool and this collection.... was very... shit. It was shit. In order to kill off all the Marvel characters, their IQs and powers all of a sudden compress and they are no lucifer for Deadpool... puhleaze. At least be inventive virtually it. I probably would accept enjoyed this more had the deaths been more idea out and not and so quick. I just can't purchase that they would all fall similar dominoes. They didn't even show the hulks death, just his body. Ugh. For truthful Deadpool fans only. ...more than
Rocky Sunico
As somewhat silly these Deadpool Kills books tend to exist, this turned out to exist a fairly interesting spin on the concept that gave more purpose to Deadpool's lethal actions versus a contrived plot device villain or whatever. It's not exactly loftier literature, but it is quite clever how they came up with so many creative ways to kill Marvel characters together with some very interesting Elseworlds-fashion hallucinations for him that could have been fun spin-offs on their own in some cases. As somewhat giddy these Deadpool Kills books tend to be, this turned out to exist a fairly interesting spin on the concept that gave more purpose to Deadpool's lethal actions versus a contrived plot device villain or whatsoever. It'south not exactly high literature, simply information technology is quite clever how they came up with so many creative ways to impale Marvel characters together with some very interesting Elseworlds-way hallucinations for him that could take been fun spin-offs on their ain in some cases. ...more
Shaun Byrne
Closer to a four than a two.
It's a short but fun story that fixes a handful of flaws in the original while also tying in to a whole other serial (no spoilies)
Biggest flaw is notwithstanding the fact that most characters are killed in just a few panels, and information technology really hurts the thrill of watching these characters fight. Overall, I'd recommend information technology if y'all got a re-create cheap, or just needed to impale a one-half hour in the city with money to burn.
Closer to a iv than a two.
It's a short merely fun story that fixes a scattering of flaws in the original while also tying in to a whole other serial (no spoilies)
Biggest flaw is still the fact that near characters are killed in just a few panels, and it actually hurts the thrill of watching these characters fight. Overall, I'd recommend it if you got a re-create cheap, or just needed to kill a half hour in the urban center with coin to burn.
Mar 25, 2018 rated information technology liked it
Why isn't this Punisher Kills the Curiosity Universe? Because when Deadpool is killing everyone, he is hallucinating. And the hallucinations are kind of interesting. Simply the rest of the volume? Hm........ There's cypher actually to root for. And the situations aren't outlandish enough to justify this misery. Why isn't this Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe? Because when Deadpool is killing everyone, he is hallucinating. And the hallucinations are kind of interesting. But the rest of the book? Hm........ There's nothing really to root for. And the situations aren't outlandish enough to justify this misery. ...more
Hunter Bath
If you've read Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe 1 and then you'll know that it'south quite dark. By comparison, this one's pitch black. It is Really, Really dark, so if you picked this up hoping for a fun filled deadpool comic y'all picked up the wrong volume. I did enjoy it though, and I thought it was more creative than the first one. If you lot've read Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe ane and then you lot'll know that information technology's quite dark. By comparing, this one's pitch black. Information technology is Really, Really dark, so if you picked this upwardly hoping for a fun filled deadpool comic you picked up the wrong volume. I did bask it though, and I thought it was more creative than the first 1. ...more
Dec 09, 2019 rated it it was ok
This story tries to recapture the quality of the first "Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe". The get-go one was clever at times but this new story is merely bad, unfunny and unoriginal. It is just hard to believe that Deadpool could kill whatsoever of the other heroes especially if they were waiting and prepared. This story tries to recapture the quality of the first "Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe". The showtime i was clever at times but this new story is just bad, unfunny and unoriginal. It is just difficult to believe that Deadpool could kill any of the other heroes especially if they were waiting and prepared. ...more
Kelsey Rae
Jul 15, 2021 rated it really liked it
I'll give this i a four. I liked the starting time i alot better cause he reasoning made fashion more sense. Considering it'south been established that telepaths can't manipulate his mind because it's constantly shifting around, I don't recollect hypnotic suggestion would work. Only besides that, information technology'southward an ok read for lovers of the darker Deadpool stuff I'll give this one a four. I liked the start i alot better crusade he reasoning made fashion more sense. Considering it'southward been established that telepaths tin't manipulate his listen because it's constantly shifting around, I don't call up hypnotic suggestion would work. But too that, information technology'southward an ok read for lovers of the darker Deadpool stuff ...more
Mr Osowski
Then I loved the previous entries in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe. They were a fantastic existential exploration. This is so Not that. It is simply "bad guys use Deadpool to kill adept guys." I mean, information technology'southward interesting and funny and all, only doesn't belong with the other entries in this "series." So I loved the previous entries in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe. They were a fantastic existential exploration. This is so NOT that. It is just "bad guys use Deadpool to impale good guys." I hateful, it's interesting and funny and all, but doesn't vest with the other entries in this "series." ...more
Dec 29, 2017 rated it information technology was ok
Not the best Deadpool book. I don't know where it fits in his timeline and it seems similar it'due south only throwing shade at the concept of retconning. He literally kills everyone but notwithstanding we know these superheroes aren't dead. It'southward just an odd concept...
Justin Irabor
Mar 01, 2018 rated it it was amazing
I didn't think my heart was fix for DeadPool to kill the Marvel universe again - it wasn't! - but I thoroughly enjoyed this, and the narrative was more gripping than the kickoff i, and so yay comeback!

I recommend this if yous like Marvel heroes dropping dead like flies.

I didn't think my heart was fix for DeadPool to kill the Marvel universe once more - it wasn't! - only I thoroughly enjoyed this, and the narrative was more gripping than the first one, then yay improvement!

I recommend this if you like Curiosity heroes dropping dead like flies.

Jan 08, 2019 rated it actually liked it
Second poesy...pretty much the same equally the kickoff. Though the first time it was more just a What If...? thing. This time it's sort of similar in Old Man Logan where the bad guys squad up and play a trick on Wolverine into killing good guys. I still similar the one where Deadpool kills literary figures the all-time. Second verse...pretty much the aforementioned every bit the get-go. Though the showtime time information technology was more just a What If...? matter. This fourth dimension it's sort of like in Old Human Logan where the bad guys squad upwardly and trick Wolverine into killing good guys. I even so like the one where Deadpool kills literary figures the all-time. ...more
The Artisan Geek
This 1 was pretty good! I liked how every time a superhero gets killed you got to see it from Deadpool's warped perspective and and then the outcome in reality :) Also the illustrations mode and the colours were sweet!
Gayle Francis
Solid, but there's a level missing hither I tin can't quite put my finger on. Don't let the title fool you lot: this isn't a bloody romp through some other meta volume. This one'southward very serious in-universe stuff going on. Solid, but there's a level missing here I tin can't quite put my finger on. Don't let the title fool you lot: this isn't a bloody romp through another meta book. This one's very serious in-universe stuff going on. ...more
Mar 21, 2019 rated information technology liked information technology
Talk most a cliff hanger! Hints are made as to the rationale for Deadpool's latest tirade of the Curiosity universe, merely nothing specific. If this wasn't a prepare for another edition I would be profoundly surprised. Talk about a cliff hanger! Hints are made equally to the rationale for Deadpool's latest tirade of the Curiosity universe, simply nothing specific. If this wasn't a set upward for another edition I would be greatly surprised. ...more
Mar 10, 2022 rated information technology it was ok
Better setup and execution than the first one merely it but kind of… ends.
I feel like maybe it needed ane more issue to come with an bodily ending other than Deadpool walking off into the sunset to do… other stuff I guess?
Jinseokp Thanisorn
The plot was very interesting because information technology accept a lot of activeness scene.
Dec 29, 2017 rated information technology it was ok
Too much pawn. Not plenty Deadpool. Not a fan of this 1. Plus - didn't we do this already? Are nosotros already out of new ideas for DP? That's lamentable. Sigh. Also much pawn. Not plenty Deadpool. Not a fan of this one. Plus - didn't nosotros do this already? Are we already out of new ideas for DP? That's sad. Sigh. ...more
Cullen grew up in rural North Carolina, but now lives in the St. Louis area with his married woman Cindy and his son Jackson. His noir/horror comic (and first collaboration with Brian Hurtt), The Damned, was published in 2007 by Oni Press. The follow-up, The Damned: Prodigal Sons, was released in 2008. In improver to The Sixth Gun, his current projects include Crooked Hills, a middle reader horror prose se Cullen grew upward in rural North Carolina, but now lives in the St. Louis expanse with his wife Cindy and his son Jackson. His noir/horror comic (and first collaboration with Brian Hurtt), The Damned, was published in 2007 by Oni Press. The follow-up, The Damned: Prodigal Sons, was released in 2008. In improver to The 6th Gun, his current projects include Crooked Hills, a middle reader horror prose series from Evileye Books; The Molar, an original graphic novel from Oni Press; and various work for Curiosity and DC. Somewhere along the way, Cullen founded Undaunted Press and edited the critically acclaimed small press horror mag, Whispers from the Shattered Forum.

All writers must pay their ante, and Cullen has worked various odd jobs, including Alien Autopsy Specialist, Rodeo Clown, Professional person Wrestler Director, and Sasquatch Wrangler.

And, yes, he has fought for his life against mountain lions and he did perform on stage as the World'due south Youngest Hypnotist. Buy him a drink sometime, and he'll tell yous all about it.

Visit his website at


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